Junior section is a very busy section with a wide variety of activities throughout the year, with badge work covering everything from STEM to wildlife, health and wellbeing, faith and lots of active sessions there’s something there to keep everyone busy.
Junior Section members are aged from P4 through P6 after which the Boys will be promoted to the Company Section.
Each year the Junior Section compete is the Battalion Challenge trophy where we compete against other BB Companies in the Battalion for points with the overall winners taking home the Battalion Challenge Trophy.
The events we take part in for the Challenge Trophy are,
Top Team Quiz
Mind and Creativity
Board Games
PA Competition
Scripture Knowledge
Figure Marching
5 a side football
We also hold an annual summer camp where we visit an outdoor activity centre for the weekend, this is a great experience as we look to experience activities we wouldn’t normally have in the local area. Its a great weekend to have fun and try new things.
We’re always looking for new members, so if you are free on a Wednesday night between 7.30pm and 9.00pm then please come along and join us.